Your horoscope for May 3-9
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Your horoscope for May 3-9

Your horoscope for May 3-9

Your spot-on horoscope for work, money and relationship from Guru by the Bangkok Post's famously accurate fortune teller. Let's see how you will fare this week and beyond.

- (⏰) is for work, (₿) is for money, (♥) is for coupled life and (⚤) is for single life
- Horoscope by Chaiyospol Hemwijit & translated by Pornchai Sereemongkonpol
- You can also view previous ones at

♈ Aries

Mar 21 – Apr 19

(⏰) Your usual tasks somehow feel more difficult. You may have to revise an assignment a few times because of unclear direction from your supervisor or a change of heart. Brace yourself for unproductive meetings that could have been emails. 

(₿) A small windfall and extra income await you. You can pay for all your necessities and reward yourself with a few wants but nothing too extravagant. Beware of a Ponzi scheme or fundraising scam.  

(♥) Couples enjoy healthier communication. They may have a heart-to-heart to confess what they truly want from their relationship. Smooth childbirth is on the cards. If you're cheating, you may decide to end it and it'll be a secret you take to the grave.  

(⚤) Love at first sight/swipe is on the cards for those who are not seeing anyone. If you're seeing someone, you two may decide to go Facebook official.   

♉ Taurus

Apr 20 – May 20

(⏰) You become much more creative and proactive next week. Someone whom you suspect to be a troublemaker proves you right. However, you already know how to deal with them once they show their true colours. You may finish several tasks before deadlines. 

(₿) You may be offered a freelance job, thanks to your friend. Someone who previously hired you may offer a great opportunity. A financial negotiation is likely to end in a win-win situation. 

(♥) Faithful couples bicker and banter in moderation. A peaceful and romantic date night is on the cards. If you're seeing someone on the side, you may get caught and shamed for it. 

(⚤) You and your friend may fancy the same person and your friendship may not be the same. If you're casually dating someone, their official love may send you a message to tell you to back off.   

♊ Gemini

May 21 – Jun 20

(⏰) Your main job and side hustle consume most of your waking hours. You take pride in being productive and performing above average. You manage many priorities and workplace relationships well. Your content or campaign may go viral. 

(₿) Unexpected windfall or reward is on the cards. A payment promised will arrive as, well, promised. You may put more money into your savings stash this month. What should be yours will be yours. What you lost may be found. 

(♥) Couples don't get to spend quality time together much but they show love and care for each other when they can. A dream they share may come true. A business that they run together may prosper.   

(⚤) A well-intentioned cousin may play Cupid and hook you up with someone who comes from a similar socioeconomic background. If you're getting to know someone, they seem eager to be in a relationship with you.   

♋ Cancer

Jun 21 – Jul 22

(⏰) An opportunity to show off your skills and full potential may arise. What is difficult for others is easy for you. You handle office politics and conflicts well. You meet all deadlines and deliver what you promised to a tee. 

(₿) The bigger your income, the bigger your expenses. You work hard to maintain your high living standard or the image you show on social media. While travelling abroad, be mindful of your belongings even when you are in a country known to be safe and kind. 

(♥) Couples have a healthy argument and understand each other more afterwards. A simple date night may result in small memories that you two will cherish for a long time. Unmarried couples may start their search for a wedding planner. 

(⚤) If you ask someone out on a date, s/he is likely to say yes. S/he has been waiting for you to make the first move. You may catch the attention of someone wealthy and entertain the thought of being a sugar baby. No judgement here.  

♌ Leo

Jul 23 – Aug 22

(⏰) Your supervisor may ask you to take on a challenging task because they know that only you can pull it off. Colleagues who are envious of your success may gossip and refuse to cooperate.

(₿) You may spend more money on luxury and entertainment. You may buy something expensive on the spot but you won't regret it later. Investors should beware of fake news and Fomo or else they may make a wrong decision. 

(♥) Couples know when to spend time together and when to spend time individually. They respect each other's privacy and opinion. Someone may slide into your DMs to see if you're interested in them even though they know that you're already taken.

(⚤) Dating app users may meet their match in the flesh and hit it off. If you're casually dating someone, they catch feelings and want to be in a serious relationship.     

♍ Virgo

Aug 23 – Sept 22

(⏰) Brace yourself for unexpected challenges, a heavier workload and a customer from hell. You have to deal with more stress and pressure but you're handling them better than expected. If you work for the govt, you may be relocated to another office. 

(₿) You may acquire another source of income (it seems no one has one income source these days). Your wish may come true if you're seeking a scholarship or other types of financial support. Don't bring an expensive bag with you on a night out.

(♥) Your relationship needs a zhuzh and you two are well aware of fading passion for each other. Have a heart-to-heart ASAP. You may tell your partner a white lie to avoid an argument and fortunately, it won't come back to haunt you.  

(⚤) The first date with someone who's your type is on the cards and you both can't wait for the second date. Someone who ghosted you may try to reconnect and you already know what to do to them.  

♎ Libra

Sept 23 – Oct 22

(⏰) You may be assigned a new job title and it brings opportunities to learn new skills. You communicate well with colleagues, clients and cleaning ladies. Business owners may enter into a new market or launch a new project. 

(₿) The more money you make, the more you spend. You may not have to work as hard if you lower your standard of living. If you've been flexing on social media, you should ask yourself why you seek strangers' validation. Also, flexing costs you a lot of money.     

(♥) Cross-cultural or same-sex couples may face issues related to law and documents but they will be able to resolve them. Couples become more sensitive towards each other's mental state and triggers. 

(⚤) If you're trying to win back your ex, you may have a really nice conversation with them. Your ex definitely doesn't hate you but still can't make up their mind whether they want you back. Don't rush them.  

♏ Scorpio

Oct 23 – Nov 21

(⏰) If you're entangled in a difficult situation, a colleague may go out of their way to free you from it. You manage priorities and workplace relationships well. You stay focused on work longer and may enter a flow state. You may go out with your team to bond and celebrate a success. 

(₿) Your garden may be scorched beyond saving and needs a redo thanks to Thai summer. Your dependent may need more financial support than usual. Investors shouldn't let Fomo dictate their decisions. Waiting for the right moment may be wiser.

(♥) Your relationship may feel like a rollercoaster. You fight hard and love hard. Both show their toxic and selfish sides. Cupid may not be the one who brought you two together but karma.  

(⚤) You may meet someone interesting through work or at a friend's house party. If you've been chatting with someone online, they may ask if you want to meet them IRL at your earliest convenience. 

♐ Sagittarius

Nov 22 – Dec 21

(⏰) You become more creative, intuitive and proactive next week. You communicate well with anyone you deal with for work. You can meet all deadlines whether they're for group or solo tasks. An opportunity to move to a new position at the same company is on the cards.

(₿) Someone older may bring you good news or opportunity. An acquaintance or family member may ask if you can lend them money. You have no luck when it comes to games of chance. Say no to gambling. 

(♥) Couples overcome a difficult situation together and grow closer afterwards. Hard time may prove to be an elixir to strengthen your relationship. Trying couples finally may become expecting couples, after exhausting all options from medicine to "mootelu". 

(⚤) Someone already taken may slide into your DMs to see if you're interested. Dating app users, beware of romance swindlers and catfish.     

♑ Capricorn

Dec 22 – Jan 19

(⏰) If you're stuck in a difficult situation, you may experience a eureka moment. You use facts and gut feeling when you make decisions and you make the right ones 90% of the time. You can sell products or convince people to trust with less effort. Your boss may give you more power in the office. 

(₿) You become more prudent and aware of your spending. You buy a want or two to reward yourself after paying for all your needs. A conflict over asset ownership will be resolved amicably. 

(♥) Couples misunderstand and miscommunicate with each other. If you're married, you may miss your single life and think about the freedom that you had. You may be experiencing a mid-life crisis.

(⚤) You and your friend may fall for the same person. Regardless of the outcome, your friendship may never be the same. If you're casually dating someone, they catch feelings and want a serious relationship.   

♒ Aquarius

Jan 20 – Feb 18

(⏰) Brace yourself for challenging assignments. Your workload may become heavier. You may realise that you can roll with the punches better than you think. You know how to channel pressure into energy to motivate yourself. You like to prove people wrong. 

(₿) Expect unexpected good news and opportunity. You may buy something at a heavily discounted price or obtain a pre-loved item in mint condition. You put more money into your savings stash while looking for ways to invest as you know you can't work forever.  

(♥) Couples treat each other with the same respect and dignity whether they are at home or in public. Those who live together for years may skip a wedding and go straight to a marriage license instead. Your union isn't defined by a lavish ceremony. 

(⚤) You may decide to be in a relationship with someone whom you have a situationship with, after a heart-to-heart. If you're not seeing anyone, you meet a few admirers but none are heartstoppers. 

♓ Pisces

Feb 19 – Mar 20

(⏰) You handle gossip, politics and conflicts in your workplace well. You keep yourself up to date with tools and technology that are relevant to your career. You may have to show office juniors the ropes and share valuable lessons from your adult life with them. If you're in a contest, you may go through the next round.

(₿) A money-making opportunity may come to you unexpectedly. Real estate agents may close a big sale. No scammers can fool you. You may be inspired to learn about personal finance and achieving financial freedom.  

(♥) Couples may try out a new activity together this weekend. They try to see things from each other's POV instead of trying to win an argument every time. Prosperity awaits couples who run businesses together. 

(⚤) Love at first sight/swipe is on the cards for those who aren't seeing anyone. You may meet someone and hit it off with them due to various things you two have in common. If you're competing for someone's heart, you're likely to win this love race. 

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